2024 November sweeps are behind us and the results are in.
When we opened the intra club contest we were remiss in mentioning that the contest was for current club members.
Our good Friend Michael Fluegemann - KE8AQW scored and impressive 47,520 pts. working CW. This meant that Michael had the highest overall score. For his efforts the he is being awarded with an Honorable Mention of the the Top Scoring Individual Operator.
Bruce AC8KD replaced Michael's spot on the Wave:Ratios.
With the final QSOs counted. That puts team Kill-o-Watt as the winner of this year's Club Sweeps contest. Their prize... a year of Fortune and Glory.
Call |
CW |
Phone |
Total |
Kill-o-Watt |
60718 |
28670 |
89388 |
K8SB |
34450 |
950 |
35400 |
0 |
5600 |
5600 |
K8VA |
26268 |
26268 |
22120 |
22120 |
Wave:Ratio |
15604 |
58816 |
74420 |
15344 |
15250 |
30594 |
260 |
260 |
10200 |
10200 |
33366 |
33366 |
We thank the nine operators who participated. We hope next year to add more participants and bring a some kind of prize to the team that wins. Ham radio is a participation hobby. The goal of the club is to find a way to allow all members to participate in these events.