Motor City Radio Club

The ARRL Lab: Trials, Tribulations and (Tall?) Tales

04/04/2017 21:18 | Jim Baksa (Administrator)

Ed Hare, W1RFI, - ARRL


ARRL Laboratory Manager Ed Hare, W1RFI, has promised to give us the real "inside" information about what goes on in the ARRL Lab.  He has a presentation that is chock full of information about the day-to-day things that happen in Lab when nobody is looking. Ed claims that every word is true, even the tall tales, but some of them involve fishing, so we suspect that a few of them may be a bit, um... well... exaggerated. Ed tell us, however, that will tell a few tales that you will never read about in the pages of QST!  Much of the work of the Lab has lately been related to EMC and interference problems, so Ed will give us the insider view on the problems facing Amateur Radio and what is being done to try to address them.


Ed Hare, W1RFI, is employed by ARRL, the National Association for Amateur Radio. After an industry career in product testing, he came to work at ARRL HQ in 1986.

He started as ARRL’s "Product Review" test engineer, moved on to becoming ARRL’s "RFI guru" (notice his call!) and he now holds the position of Laboratory Manager. Over the years he has written quite a number of RFI articles, ranging from articles for QST and the "ARRL Handbook" to articles about the practical aspects of RFI that have appeared in professional trade journals.

He is also one of the authors of the ARRL "RFI Book" and the author of the ARRL's book on RF exposure, "RF Exposure and You." He is very active holding a seat for Amateur Radio on various industry committees, serving as a voting membership on the IEEE EMC Society Standards Development and Education Committee, the ANSI accredited C63® EMC Committee as Chair of Subcommittee 5 on Immunity, and is the IEEE EMC Society Vice President of Standards, representing ARRL and the interests of Amateur Radio as industry standards are developed.

He is a member of the IEEE Standards Association, the IEEE EMC Society and the Power Engineering Society. His personal operating interest is QRP CW, where Ed’s motto is …….. “Five Watts is a Lot of Power!”  He is presently doing work on HF using 10 milliwatts, reporting 30 states worked, all in the ARRL CW Sweepstakes.    Email:

The meeting and dinner are free but, please register so we have an accurate count for the restaurant. 

Register on-line at:

Date: 20 April 2017

Time: 05:30 PM to 07:30 PM

Al Ameer Restaurant

2100 N. Haggerty

Canton, Michigan 48187


17099 PARK AVE
RIVERVIEW, MI 48192-4587

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