Motor City Radio Club

M.C.R.C. ICE-OUT 2015

03/03/2015 18:45 | John Roberts

We have a winner......   

Winning date was 3/27/2015

See last post for the winner 

Well its time... the 2015 ice-out will begin with the Tuesday March 3rd session of the MCRC 2 meter net.. 

Last year we began the challenge with the Ice Burg at the end of my driveway.. This year i have decided to use the pile in the back lot at work.. "Some participants last year were threatening to add salt to the ice burg to speed up the melting" so this burg is in a fenced in lot and under camera surveillance....

Congratulations to Anne K8AE for last years correct date of April 1st, Hopefully i will be able to present her with the 2014 Ice-Out mug at Fridays Meeting. 

At your time of check-in give me the date you want and if its not taken you are all set. 

This year the pile is just under 6 feet tall and 15 feet front to back and i will limit it to the first 20 feet in front of the semi trailer.. 

Good Luck

John N8KAM

Here is the first Pic.

Week (2) 3-10-15

 Week (3) 3-17-15

Week (4) 3-24-2015.  It wont be long now...

And we have a Winner..... After only 5 weeks (sooner than i thought) the ice burg is Gone.. it gave up its last Nugget of ice shortly after noon  on Friday the 27th of March. Making our 2015 winner... 

Stan  K8SB.. 

Congratulations Stan   I will order your MCRC Ice out Mug ASAP



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