Motor City Radio Club

March 20 Half Marathon on Grosse Ile

02/19/2011 10:23 | John Roberts

I just received this from Kevin Gilday KD8GVM those of you familiar with the free press marathon know Kevin,  this event will be run with the same quality I'm sure                                     John N8KAM

Hi Shanon & John

Just a quick note.

We have been asked to assist with the Cystic Fibrosis ½ Marathon on Grosse Ile to be held on March 20, 2011.  This is a first time event designed to raise money for CF research and will be running around the island.

The race course is 13.1 Miles long and will start and finish near the Grosse Ile High School on Gray.

If you would put this information out for me I could use between 20 to 30 ARO’s to assist.  The event will include runners with active CF and we really want to keep an eye out for them.  We will be running 3 weary wagons and at least 3 (I hope 4) aid stations in addition to 6 water stops.

I need to cover the weary’s, the aid and water stations in addition to other spotters,.

Operators should CONTACT ME DIRECT, that way they are not bothering you.

I can be reached at





  • 03/01/2011 15:52 | John Roberts
    Here is the info for 3 events coming up that might interest you. Corktown and Memorial day are short races and we get either a lunch or free beer or both.

    Grosse Ile ½ Marathon is a 13.1 MILE race.

    Date Event Start Time Distance

    March 13 Corktown 0900 8 Kilometer

    March 20 Grosse Ile 0600 13.1 miles

    May 30 Grosse Ile 0900 8 Kilometer

    Corktown and Memorial day runs are good fun and usually run using my business systems so people who might want to be involved but are not ARO’s can get in on the activity and learn how we do our public service activities.

    The Cystic Fibrosis ½ Marathon will run around the North side of the Island going on both sides of the Island along Eastshore, Meridian and the north roads by the toll bridge. Simple route and fairly simple deployment EXCEPT

    1. There are only two routes onto the island, both involve using draw bridges. You have to pay to use the North Bridge near Wyandotte/Riverview and the other bridge is called the Free Bridge located at the south end of Trenton.
    2. Since the course goes along the exterior of the Island we must cut the course to get any where. We do not like going across the course so ALL sites must be staffed by 0600. Snooze you lose and don’t participate. Period.
    3. We will be running at least two weary wagons, hopefully three. All 3 will have a radio operator and one of them will be stationed near the north end of the course.
    4. We will have one ARO at each water station and one ARO at each aid station. At this time the AID stations will be separate from the water stations.
    5. There will be a Treatment Area at the Finish Line.
    6. There is a 440 machine on the Island, we are trying to get with the trustee to get its use. Otherwise we will try the Wyandotte machine.


    4 Aid station ARO’s

    6 Water Station ARO’s

    3 Finish Line ARO’s

    10 On course ARO’s

    1 or 2 bike capable ARO’s at least able to ride 7 mile loops

    The net control operators are set for the GR System and the Ham System. This is not set in stone.

    Other information will be coming shortly as soon as someone reminds me what I need to add.

    Kevin Gilday


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