On Saturday, March 8, 2014 Glenwood United parking lot was packed and the side streets were also overflowing with parked cars. As it turned out there were 12 applicants For ham radio exams. Nick Stahl, KD8SJM passed his general exam. Paul George, KB8SVO and Charles Smith, KD8WFS both walked in with their generals and walked out having earned their extra class license. Richard Mandel walked in without a license, and proceeded to pass his tech, general and extra class! Scott Underwood, Brandon Carter, Adam Knoll, Matthew Miller, William Nemer, Andrea Elkins and William Oberdieck all entered without a license and earned their tech. Of 12 people 11 passed their exam for new or upgrade license.
Fortunately we had experienced VEs handling the paperwork led by Bruce Moyer, KI8GR and Duffy K8ETL. They were aided and abetted by Bob Rehahn, AC8DZ who distributed the welcome packets to those who passed exams until we ran out of the packets. We also ran out of the application forms and Woody, N8MWQ was sent on a copy run but learned that the local drug store does not make copies any longer. He resourcefully found Dale WA8FRD who scanned the forms into the club computer and printed out some for us. Thanks also to Mack, KA8DOT; Jim K8SSB; Bill AC8KO; and Gary W8GPR.
Don Novak, K8THU