Motor City Radio Club

Club News

Post your news and and links here.  This is a great way of keeping people up to date on the latest happening in the club.

  • 09/07/2010 21:44 | Jim Baksa (Administrator)
    Looking for someone to help work out a page for contesting information.  If you are interested please contact
  • 08/30/2010 20:02 | Jim Baksa (Administrator)

    We've posted a document on the Wayne CO. Skywarn procedures in the links section of the member area.  Shannon KA8SPW has provided this guide to help remind us of the proper check in and reporting processes for the Wayne Co. SKYWARN net.

    SKYWARN Net Procedures - Wayne County.pdf

  • 08/10/2010 23:56 | Jim Baksa (Administrator)

    Hi All...


    Below, Hanson mentions the need for adherance to the youth protection guidelines.  There is a short, no cost, online course that can be taken on the council's website...  It satisfies the requirements plus.  Per Hanson, it's just necessary to understand that there will NEVER be an opportunity where an adult will be alone with a Scout.  ANY interaction with a Scout must occur in plain sight of other Scouts and adults.  There are no secret organizations or clubs...


    will get you to the training page.  'Bout half way down is the box for youth protection training.  You'll be redirected to the registration page.  Even though you are not a registered scouter, you can sign up, get a user name, and take the course.  Upon completion, you have the ability to print out your completion card.  It may ask you for your scouter number... you can skip that part... If it asks you for the council number, it's 272.


    Jim - K8SSB

  • 08/06/2010 17:11 | Jim Baksa (Administrator)

    Be sure to join us for the MCRC Annual Picnic.

    Elizabeht Park, Saturday 8/14/2010 at 13:00

    MCRC Picnic Announcement

  • 07/27/2010 22:27 | Deleted user
    I checked the fox hunt results, changed my email and my pass word.  All very easy.  Now I will check out and see if I can check in again.
  • 07/27/2010 20:37 | Jim Baksa (Administrator)
    The Boy Scouts of America's Great Lakes Council is hosting the Centennial Rendez Vous event at Willow Metro Park.  

    The event is September 24th - 26th and we are looking for volunteers to help man a special event station there at the park.  Scouts will be encouraged to get on the air and talk to other scouting councils across the nation.

    For more information on the event check out BSA Rendez Vous flyer.  For more information on the clubs involvement contact Jim - K8SSB.

    To Sign up for the event check out he events tab on the web page.

  • 07/21/2010 20:54 | Jim Baksa (Administrator)

    Did you miss the Tuesday night net announcements?  Don't worry, they will be posted on the 2-Meter Information Net page.  Be sure to sign in to the website first so you can read the posts.

    Do you have something you would like W8MRM to announce on the next net?  Post your announcements in the NET ANNOUNCEMENTS forum.

  • 07/19/2010 10:14 | Jim Baksa (Administrator)
    Visit the fox hunt page and view the July 17th results.

  • 07/15/2010 12:13 | Jim Baksa (Administrator)
    Don't forget that elections are just two months away.  If you are interested in holding office or know someone who might be, please see Don K8THU or Bob AC8DZ.
  • 07/10/2010 12:29 | Jim Baksa (Administrator)

    Join us at the Trenton Festival today and tomorrow 7/10-7/11 and check out what Ham Radio is all about.  


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