Motor City Radio Club

Club News

Post your news and and links here.  This is a great way of keeping people up to date on the latest happening in the club.

  • 11/05/2020 20:01 | Jim Baksa (Administrator)

    The club is currently accepting nominations for the board position of Secretary. 

    Anyone interested in running for the position should submit their name and the name of a supporting member. To the president of the club

    The Club will be accepting nominations until December 20th. Voting will for the candidates will start on December 21st and run until the end of year. Following our online voting procedure. 


  • 10/26/2020 21:02 | Woody Kirkman (Administrator)

    The NWS has posted their Fall 2020 Newsletter.  It can be found here:

  • 08/22/2020 11:31 | Jim Baksa (Administrator)

    The club has been contacted about a 40' ham radio tower for sale in Huntington Woods. They are asking $200 

    If you are interested in the tower or finding our more information I can put members in contact with the seller, email me KD8HFX (at)

    73 - Jim KD8HFX

  • 08/04/2020 07:54 | Jim Baksa (Administrator)

    Members, you should have received an email this morning with a link to cast your vote on the Motion of Resolution of Continued Governance, August 2020.

    If you haven't received an email. You can cast your vote here

    Please remember that voting is only open for members in good standing. If you are unable to vote please contact Jim - KD8HFX. 

  • 07/31/2020 08:32 | Jim Baksa (Administrator)

    The Board of Directors has put forth a Motion and ask that the membership discuss and cast a vote.

    Resolution of Continued Governance, August 2020

    The Board of Directors, in consideration of the current State of Emergency and COVID-19 pandemic, respectfully ask the membership to extend the term of the currently serving Board to the General Membership Meeting in October of 2021 at that time a new Board will be elected per the current rules and by-laws.
    For the governance year of 2020-2021, (October 1, 2020 - September 30, 2021) members are free to call for a vote of "no confidence" and present a motion to the membership to open nominations for a change in leadership. 


    YES vote means the current Board will stay in place and a new board will be elected in October of 2021. 

    NO vote means the motion does not pass and elections will take place in October 2020 as scheduled. (A protocol for nominations and elections to be determined.)

    07/31/2020 Begins the discussion period for this motion. Public discussion can be found at this link.

    Members will receive an email on Monday 08/03/2020 with a link to cast their vote. Voting will be open for seven (7) days. 

    Results of the vote will be posted on the website.

  • 07/23/2020 20:28 | Jim Baksa (Administrator)

    Members of the Motor City Radio Club.

    At the board meeting on July 10, 2020 (held via video conference) the members of the Board discussed the struggles the COVID-19 pandemic has presented to our organization. Not least of which the upcoming nominations and elections of officers. Normally we would be opening nominations for officers at the September meeting and casting vote for those positions at the October meeting. Due to current restrictions in place for in-person meetings it has become obvious that another option needs to be presented.

    To that end, the board unanimously agreed to the following process of handling voting and motions:

    * Membership can cast votes electronically through the W8MRM website.

    * All motions will be published on the website and emailed to the membership.

    * A three (3) day discussion and Q&A period will follow each motion. A forum will be set up on the website for members to ask questions and debate the motion publicly.

    * Following the three (3) day discussion period, a voting period of no less than seven (7) days will be provided for members to cast their votes online.

    * After the polls close, the total number of votes cast must be greater than or equal to a quorum of the membership. (Required total votes for any particular motion will be published as part of the motion. And shall represent a quorum of members at the time the motion is published.) Motions that fail to receive a vote total greater or equal to a quorum will not pass.

    * Members wishing to make a motion must do so via email to at least three (3) members of the board. All motions made this way will then be presented to the membership for a vote.

    The tool used on the website allows only members in good standing to cast a vote. All of the votes cast on the website are SECRET. If for some reason you are unable to cast your vote electronically, you can mail in a "ballot" indicating what motion you are casting a vote for and if you are voting yeah or nay for that motion. Ballots must be sent to the club's PO box and need to be received before the voting period has expired.

    We will be sending out a test vote so you can familiarize yourself with the process. If you have any questions please reach out to

  • 07/20/2020 08:55 | Jim Baksa (Administrator)

    For Sale -- 

    Hallicrafters Station. SX-88 SX-101 HT-32A HT-33A

  • 06/10/2020 13:36 | Jim Baksa (Administrator)

    National weather service is reporting that KEC63 the weather station that covers most of the greater Detroit area is currently DOWN.

    With the storms coming in later this evening please find alternate ways of getting emergency weather updates.

    As of this posting, there is not an estimated time of repair.

  • 06/01/2020 12:35 | Jim Baksa (Administrator)

    We will be holding a general membership meeting for June. Due to social distancing rules being in place we will have be hosting the meeting via Zoom. 

    Thank you to our friends Scott at the IEEE for providing the use of the high capacity Zoom meeting. 

    Please take a few minutes between now and the meeting to install and test Zoom on your computer or device. Please become familiar with the Zoom controls. We will be asking that you keep your audio feed muted during the meeting.

    Topics will be some general club updates, Fox hunting, Field Day 2020, and other topics as they come up. Watch the web site for the meeting agenda and topics.


    Join Zoom Meeting

    Meeting ID: 875 6201 7873
    Password: 808333
    One tap mobile
    +13017158592,,87562017873#,,1#,808333# US (Germantown)
    +13126266799,,87562017873#,,1#,808333# US (Chicago)

    Dial by your location
            +1 301 715 8592 US (Germantown)
            +1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago)
            +1 929 205 6099 US (New York)
            +1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma)
            +1 346 248 7799 US (Houston)
            +1 669 900 6833 US (San Jose)
    Meeting ID: 875 6201 7873
    Password: 808333
    Find your local number:


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